Ripresa sul quotidiano inglese The Sun la mia intervista a Samuele Maffizzoli

Studio Fisioterapico Giovanni Gerbino
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Nella giornata di oggi la versione online del quotidiano inglese The Sun ha ripreso la mia intervista per Londra Italia a Samuele Maffizzoli, caporedattore del sito Calciatori Brutti, famoso sopratutto per la sua pagina Facebook. Questo l’estratto in questione:

Samuele Maffizzoli told Londra Italia: “Obviously we will be less than the Facebook participants,
but this trip wil put together supporters of every Italian teams that usually spend time fighting each other.

“This trip represents the triumph of the ‘ignorance’ and team spirit against top players and big money spent randomly.”

Per chi se la fosse persa e volesse leggerla, ne è stata pubblicata una versione in italiano ed una versione in inglese. Questo invece l’articolo completo pubblicato dalla testata, dal titolo “The Roman Invasion: Hundreds of Italians descend on Leicester to see Claudio Ranieri lift Premier League title“:

The Foxes manager’s countrymen have the King Power town “rocking” as they travel to see their hero hoist the top tier crown. A campaign started on Facebook page Calciatori Brutti – which has more than
1.2million likes – has urged fans to arrive in Leicester from Italy in a “mass car trip”.

Thousands are expected to join and videos on the page and others posted online show the Azzurri taking over the home of the 5,000-1 champions. It is thought that at least 500 Italians are already there.

Fans met at the San Siro stadium in Milan yesterday and got the ferry over from France after driving through Switzerland.

One video showed a bus-full of fans holding a sign praising Riyad Mahrez before launching into song.

The Ranieri faithful planned to arrive in Victoria Park in Leicester at midday today.

And photos and videos posted online showed the mega party had already begun – six hours before Leicester’s final home game of the season against Everton.

Amazingly, some 65,000 users expressed an interest to join the rally.

And while the page’s managing editor admitted nowhere near that number will actually go – he said that at least they will join together and stop fighting each other for a weekend!

Samuele Maffizzoli told Londra Italia: “Obviously we will be less than the Facebook participants,
but this trip wil put together supporters of every Italian teams that usually spend time fighting each other.

“This trip represents the triumph of the ‘ignorance’ and team spirit against top players and big money spent randomly.”

Twitter users posted about the impact the football-mad fans had on the city.

Vince Moore wrote: “Leicester is rocking! The Italians are going mad near the clock tower.”

Chris Swann posted: “Huge group of Italians outside Leicester train station. This is an international party!!! #LCFC #Champions.”

And Nikola Backo said: “Just seen about 50 Italians go into a bar in Leicester waving their Italian flags #LeicesterCityChampions.”

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About Matteo Calautti 3293 Articles
Giornalista, ufficio stampa, social media manager e content creator genovese, nonché "minor" di pallacanestro. Appassionato di sport in ogni sua forma e colore. Esterofilo e curioso osservatore di politica e attualità. Fondatore di Liguria a Spicchi, sito sportivo dedicato alla pallacanestro ligure, nonché autore e conduttore di Liguria a Spicchi TV, in onda su Telenord. Collabora con l’ufficio stampa della Federazione Italiana Vela nel ruolo di social media manager, ricopre il ruolo di Responsabile Comunicazione del Comitato Regionale Liguria della Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro e di reporter per trasmissione calcistica televisiva Dilettantissimo, in onda su Telenord. Cura la comunicazione di attività commerciali e società sportive tra le quali il Ligorna, la terza squadra calcistica di Genova. Formatore nazionale del CISV, associazione internazionale di volontariato di cui è follemente innamorato.